October 31

Pictured Phrase

SBC- Week 3 Activity 4

All images from pixabay no attributions required. Although I have links down below.

Laptop, Tab, Headphone, WorkstationMoney, Dollars, Success, Business Image result for robber

Viewing from left to right

Image 1: https://pixabay.com/en/truck-lamborghini-realistic-sports-2158284/

Image 2: https://pixabay.com/en/laptop-tab-headphone-workstation-1483974/

” 3: https://pixabay.com/en/money-dollars-success-business-1428594/

” 4: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cata13es/6127697084

” 5: https://c1.staticflickr.com//7/6175/6239463081_346a2f8e32_b.jpg

October 31

A Story’s Beginning

SBC Week 3 blog post – Activity 3

Forest, Vista, Tour

I couldn’t take it anymore. All the stress from school work, drama, the fight that I had with my best friend about me not telling her something. Scarlet got really mad at me and I just could not stand and lie to her knowing that I knew what was really. I ate lunch by myself in the library that day and all of a sudden I felt something squeeze my hand. I was in an empty room, I looked at the walls as there were no windows, just nothing. I stood up and unhurriedly walked to the door and opened it. As I approached the hallway doors, both of the doors suddenly  closed. I started to walk down the hallway, to see if I could bust open a door only hearing my footsteps. However, I stopped as I felt like I was being followed. The scene was blurry and I didn’t know what was going on. I walk down a path with trees and what seemed like the bright light at the end of the path. The air was thick yet, still cold which caused my lips to dry up. In the midst of my walk I saw Scarlet then I quickly opened my eyes avoiding her. Again I found myself in the library with the lady saying “five more minutes till lunch is over”. Seconds later my eyes closed themselves again and I Scarlet popped up again. 

Try to continue the story………

Link to Image: https://pixabay.com/en/elephant-baby-elephant-desert-2894482/



October 23

Commenting in Action

Student Blog Challenge Week 2 – Activity 5

Farrah’s Blog: https://farraway.weebly.com/

Hi There Farrah,
My name is Sally and I go to ISD in Senegal. I came across this post on the flip board page and I absolutely loved it. You clearly explained each component of the avatar and how you related that to your personal looks and ideas. I truly enjoyed this post.

Like to my blog: https://gankalisd21.edublogs.org/

Fiona’s Blog: http://techkidfiona.edublogs.org

Hi Fiona,

My name is Sally and I go to ISD in Senegal. Let me just start off by saying that I absolutely love the theme of your blog. Additionally, your post about guidelines for commenting was very well done. You did not only give tips but also went into detail explaining each one which is very helpful for the reader. And to top it all of you gave an example which is great.

Great Work.
– Sally
Link to my blog: https://gankalisd21.edublogs.org/

Joshua’s Blog: http://21joshb.edublogs.org/

Hey Joshua,
I really enjoyed learning somethings about you that I did not know before. Such as you play ultimate frisbee and that you love debating. I also like debating and I hope we have the chance to one day. Additionally, you have great transition words and wrote a very concise yet specific post that I truly enjoyed

Link to my blog: https://gankalisd21.edublogs.org/

Ruquyya’s Blog: http://rukayyaa.edublogs.org/

Hey Ruqquya,
Let my just say wow. I wanted to comment this on you about me page however, there was no comment option. That post was amazing and I truly learned more about you than ever. Your one of my close friends however, I did not know that your name meant, rising; “to bloom” nevertheless, to bloom. Great post really and the only thing I would suggest is maybe add a picture other than that it was lit.

Link to mine: https://gankalisd21.edublogs.org/